Facts about studying in Mittweida
Admission, access, application - all the facts about applying
Before you can start your studies, you have to apply. There are a few things to consider, especially for students from abroad. On the following pages we have compiled a compact overview of the most important terms concerning application, admission and enrolment. We also explain the different offers for exchange students and long-term students. And if anything remains unclear, our International Office is at your disposal.

Financing, residence, support - all the facts about student life
Studying doesn't just mean getting an academic education and doing research. Your whole life changes from now on: Your own flat, earning your own money and going shopping for yourself. On the following pages we have prepared a number of tips and tricks for finding a suitable flat, financing your life as a student and everything else Mittweida can offer.
Mitt-what? The advantages of studying in Saxony
Your time at university is about more than just acquiring knowledge. You will remember this time for the rest of your life. That‘s one more reason to pay attention to both the contents of the programme and the living conditions in the city.
Mittweida is cozier than other university cities. The campus is reminiscent of a small college town somewhere in the Midwest of the United States. Here you can reach everything on foot. While in Munich, Berlin or Hamburg you have to wait for the bus and subway every day, only to sit in it for possibly hours. In Mittweida you can wake up later and have a relaxed breakfast before going to class.
College in Mittweida is more comfortable, more relaxed, and more focussed; one of the reasons being that it is affordable. In Munich you have to budget 600 euros for monthly rent; in Hamburg, Cologne, and Berlin, over 400 – in Mittweida you can find your room for around 200 euros. The money you save on rent can be spent on other things or used to avoid needing a part-time job that might only distract you from your studies.